Tuesday 6 December 2011

It begins.

No more am I someone who only talks of travelling! I've actually booked my first two weeks in Australia and started the process for a working holiday visa. I'm really excited but very nervous at the same time. I mean, right now I still live at home, and I've decided the first time I leave it will be to go and live on the other side of the world!? Am I crazy? Possibly. But then again, I won't be leaving until July so I have a good 7 months or so to get myself organised.

The main issue of course is going to be money; the two weeks and holiday visa cost me £900, and I've still got the flight to book, plus I have to save up money to support myself for a bit while I'm over there. Not only that, but I'm hoping to do an Intro to Improv class in the new year that'll cost me £80, (not to mention travel costs, since it's in Glasgow), and also a TEFL course, so after Australia I can hopefully travel a bit more while teaching English to support myself; and that'll cost me another £150! But it'll be worth it, I think, as far as I can remember, all I've ever wanted to do was travel.

Of course then I imagined myself as some sort of intrepid adventurer, drawing maps of where I'd go, thinking of the scrapes I was sure to get myself into (in delightfully non-dangerous ways, obviously). I've had so many spreadsheets of hostel costs, travel costs etc. that it's ridiculous, and my bucket list of 75 items have at least 50 which relate to some travel aspect (hike the trail at Machu Picchu, visit New Orleans during Mardi Gras, dive the Great Barrier Reef...) but now it's real. I haven't just looked up flight costs on Expedia, it's actually happening.

And I can't wait.