Saturday 28 July 2012

My first few weeks in Australia.

Been in Australia for 3 weeks now! I went over with Ultimate Oz, a travel company that specialises in group travel to Australia. They set you up with your essentials and some activities in your first week, such as a Sydney tour on the Monday:

  A harbour cruise on Tuesday:

Port Stephen for 3 days from the Wednesday to Friday (photos from the UltimateOz Facebook):

 I think I disappointed people back home when most of my own pictures were of me inside bars rather than of the actual Sydney scenery...

The company also provides you with bank details, a sim card, a skills course of your choice and job help for the 12 months you're in Australia. After I'd spent two weeks in Sydney I decided to go up to Cairns, to see an old friend and try to find work.

And I'm still here (and unemployed) a week later. As much as I love it, I am starting to get a little worried about funds! I've been offered a job in SW Queensland but it's very out of the way and I like Cairns too much. I think I may give it another fortnight here before I have to move on in search of work.

I'm a terrible backpacker though - while I've been here I think I've read 6 books and seen 3 movies (Batman - meh, Ted - funny, Magic Mike - good) and spent the rest of the time on Skype to my sister. It's getting to the point that I may just try to save up to bring her over here myself! (If only).

Right, back to Gumtree....

Thursday 5 July 2012

Travel Update

Currently sitting in a Starbucks.


Half way to Australia now. I have another 8 hour flight and I'll be in Sydney!

I'm excited - but also really homesick already! It's going to be a tough year!