Saturday 1 December 2012

Birthdays and Broken Ankles

November was a cool month, I can tell you. Originally it was going to be the month that I finally left Cairns and started my farm work for my second year visa. That didn't really work out though, since I went out for my birthday on the 14th, got ridiculously drunk, started dancing on a table - and fell off, breaking my ankle. Oops!

Gillian left for her Asian adventure as well, which made me very sad! She's back at home now which is a little surreal considering I'm still here in Cairns! I couldn't waitress anymore with a broken ankle so unfortunately I had to give up working at Ala Turka! On the plus side, I started working as a receptionist at my hostel for better hours and better wages so every cloud has a silver lining I guess!

Even with a broken ankle I managed to get quite a few nights out!

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