Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Great Barrier Reef

I have a list of 75 Things to Do Before I Die. It sounds a little morbid when you say it like that, but it's just goals that I want to achieve in my lifetime and writing them down makes me feel like they're actually attainable. They're mostly travel related such as visiting the Pyramids or seeing Machu Picchu, some are related to bettering myself, for example learning an instrument, or another language.

Before I came to Australia, I had succeeded in 3 goals: travelling in Venice on a gondola, white water rafting and getting a tattoo. Now I get to cross off seeing the Great Barrier Reef, which is amazing to me. Even now, a few months later (with pictures to prove it) I still can't believe that I actually went snorkelling at the the real, actual reef. The one I'd written about seeing years ago! I went with a friend and we took an underwater camera and here are some of my favourite pictures:

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