Saturday 1 December 2012

Birthdays and Broken Ankles

November was a cool month, I can tell you. Originally it was going to be the month that I finally left Cairns and started my farm work for my second year visa. That didn't really work out though, since I went out for my birthday on the 14th, got ridiculously drunk, started dancing on a table - and fell off, breaking my ankle. Oops!

Gillian left for her Asian adventure as well, which made me very sad! She's back at home now which is a little surreal considering I'm still here in Cairns! I couldn't waitress anymore with a broken ankle so unfortunately I had to give up working at Ala Turka! On the plus side, I started working as a receptionist at my hostel for better hours and better wages so every cloud has a silver lining I guess!

Even with a broken ankle I managed to get quite a few nights out!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Island Hopping and Halloween

In October Gillian and I decided to visit Green Island - a cool chilled out island just 45 mins boat ride from Cairns. When you visit Green Island there are options for snorkelling, a submarine ride, lying on the beach and visiting the wildlife reserve which houses the (second) largest crocodile in Australia.

We also decided on a road trip to Port Douglas and Mossman Gorge for funzies. 

 October is, of course, also HALLOWEEN month! I love Halloween - any excuse to dress up, I'll take it!

I decided to dress up 20s style, Nelli went as a devil and Gillian dressed up as a Hawaiian Hulu Girl. 

Monday 1 October 2012


Gillian and I went to Kuranda this month, the cute tourist town north of Cairns. I've found so much of Cairns is cute and touristy, if you're into that kind of thing.

The village is accessible by cable car and train. We only went on the sky rail and decided to just get the shuttle bus back. Not only is the town super cute with it's markets - including a Scottish shop (short bread, yay!) they have 3 wildlife reserves - one for butterflies, one for birds and one for Australian animals such as Koalas, Wallabies, and crocodiles!

Obviously no month in Cairns is complete without a few messy nights!

Saturday 1 September 2012

The First Month

August. My first full month in Australia. Spent in Cairns, Queensland. I got a job in a Turkish Restaurant called Ala Turka, located on the Cairns Esplanade. I work with two lovely ladies called Nelli (German) and Satomi (Japanese). I love it here, the work is fun, the people are lovely and the food was delicious.

I also visited  Palm Cove, It's one of a stretch of beaches about 20 minutes outside of Cairns. All of the beaches are beautiful, but palm cove is perhaps the most touristy one - lots of cute shops and cafes.

Paronella Park which is a Spanish-style Castle that was built in the 20th century but fell to ruin after the original owner died. The current owners are revitalising it for a new generation and it was the cutest place ever.

and Mission Beach in this month.

Obviously I went out drinking and dancing a lot too, since that is almost obligatory in Cairns life!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Great Barrier Reef

I have a list of 75 Things to Do Before I Die. It sounds a little morbid when you say it like that, but it's just goals that I want to achieve in my lifetime and writing them down makes me feel like they're actually attainable. They're mostly travel related such as visiting the Pyramids or seeing Machu Picchu, some are related to bettering myself, for example learning an instrument, or another language.

Before I came to Australia, I had succeeded in 3 goals: travelling in Venice on a gondola, white water rafting and getting a tattoo. Now I get to cross off seeing the Great Barrier Reef, which is amazing to me. Even now, a few months later (with pictures to prove it) I still can't believe that I actually went snorkelling at the the real, actual reef. The one I'd written about seeing years ago! I went with a friend and we took an underwater camera and here are some of my favourite pictures:

Saturday 28 July 2012

My first few weeks in Australia.

Been in Australia for 3 weeks now! I went over with Ultimate Oz, a travel company that specialises in group travel to Australia. They set you up with your essentials and some activities in your first week, such as a Sydney tour on the Monday:

  A harbour cruise on Tuesday:

Port Stephen for 3 days from the Wednesday to Friday (photos from the UltimateOz Facebook):

 I think I disappointed people back home when most of my own pictures were of me inside bars rather than of the actual Sydney scenery...

The company also provides you with bank details, a sim card, a skills course of your choice and job help for the 12 months you're in Australia. After I'd spent two weeks in Sydney I decided to go up to Cairns, to see an old friend and try to find work.

And I'm still here (and unemployed) a week later. As much as I love it, I am starting to get a little worried about funds! I've been offered a job in SW Queensland but it's very out of the way and I like Cairns too much. I think I may give it another fortnight here before I have to move on in search of work.

I'm a terrible backpacker though - while I've been here I think I've read 6 books and seen 3 movies (Batman - meh, Ted - funny, Magic Mike - good) and spent the rest of the time on Skype to my sister. It's getting to the point that I may just try to save up to bring her over here myself! (If only).

Right, back to Gumtree....